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Casa Corti is seventeenth-century historic villa in Intelvi Valley, Italy. It was owned by Maria Corti, one of the greatest intellectual figures of the second half of the twentieth century in Europe, born in Milan in 1915 and passed away in 2002. Language historian, philologist, structuralist semiologist, militant critic and writer, she taught at various Italian universities, especially in Pavia, and abroad, particularly in Geneva, where she created a flourishing school of Italianism. For decades, meetings of various kinds have been held in the residence, around prestigious magazines, such as "Alfabeta" and "Strumenti critici", and large critical and editorial enterprises, as well as seminars and local initiatives to protect the historical and cultural heritage of the valley.

In 2016 a group of Italian, Swiss and German friends, bought the property with the hope that this place will continue to play an important cultural role in the future, according to the wishes of the scholar.

The villa is located in Pellio Inferiore, at site called Carlàsc - 'castellaccio' (perhaps the house was built on the ruins of a previous castle) - in the municipality of Alta Valle Intelvi, in one of the most beautiful valleys of Lombardy nestled between the lakes of Como and Lugano. Equipped with a large garden, Casa Corti hosts events and artistic activities. It welcomes those who love culture and encounters.

Casa Corti - Presentation