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Twenty years after the death of Maria Corti

10/09/2022 15:00

In the 20th anniversary of Maria Corti's death and near the 107th anniversary of her birth, the Friends of Casa Corti and the Fondazione Maria Corti invite to a literary-musical celebration in the afternoon of Saturday, September 10 at Casa Corti in Pellio Intelvi.

The event starts at 3 p.m. in the garden with the presentation of two recent volumes in honour of Maria Corti. Viaggiatori del cielo. Omaggio a Maria Corti (edited by Benedetta Centovalli, ed. Mattioli 1885, Fidenza, 2022) will be introduced by the editor, together with Anna Modena, Paolo Di Stefano and Fabio Pusterla. From the plaquette Voci e sottovoci per Maria Corti (edited by Gianfranca Lavezzi and Angelo Stella, Interlinea, Novara, 2022), will be introduced by the editor and Marzio Porro will read his own writings.

Afterwards in the courtyard, a concert of ancient music from Dante's epoch will be performed by the Vortex Ensemble with Valentina Bellanova and Tamara Soldan from Berlin.

A light refreshment will be organized.

Admission is free, but places are limited. Anyone interested should write to: by August, Tuesday 31.

The event is organised by Società Casa Corti, with the support of Fondazione Maria Corti, Pavia.